The ultimate notification tool for your eyes while long monitor staring.
EyeSmile is the ultimate notification tool for helping your eyes rest from long computer monitor staring (using an on/off widget).
★Sound Notifications
For those who just want to hear it.
★Vibrate Notifications*
For those who just want to feel it.
★Visual Notifications*
For those who just want to see it.
★Combination of the above*
(* version with everything)
Using this app you should accept the challenge of making your eyes rest periodically. Every twenty minutes or so, you should get up, stretch your back and neck and look around.
Rate & ENJOY!!
Extra Points:
● In visual mode, lean your phone against the screen, facing your direction, in order to see more clearly.
● Although I aimed the app to be a reminder tool against CVS, I find myself use it for other activities such as reading.
● Zedge.net is a nice source for wallpapers and notifications.
● If you have decided to show your gratitude by buying it, please don't forget to uninstall the previous sound version.
●ダウンロード、インストール、払い戻し、支払い、またはGoogle Playアクセスに問題がある場合は、Google Playヘルプセンターとユーザーフォーラムを通じてGoogle Playチームにお問い合わせください。
Permissions Used:
Startup – to be allowed to start the service after boot.
Storage – to be allowed to save selected images for fast loading.
Vibration – to be allowed to vibrate.
Phone state – to be allowed to know when you're in a call. I have no need for the identity.
Development tools – a side effect of simply needing to write to external storage.
Kingdom Come:Derverance 2をPCでプレイ中にst音を扱っている場合は、問題を解決する方法を紹介します。
公式アニメWaves X TrelloとDiscord Serverへのリンクは、ゲームに関する情報を見つけることができる最高の場所です。
」弊社のウェブサイトでは、EyeSmile Sound の最新バージョンを簡単にダウンロードできます。登録やSMSは必要ありません! 「